
Day by Day With Saint Augustine

Fr. Donald Burt, O.S.A.

Before he was a famous saint, Augustine was a sinner. He wandered from his mother’s faith and, after a dramatic spiritual transformation in his thirties, was baptized, embraced monastic life, and became a bishop and theologian in the early church. The short, daily meditations in Day by Day with Saint Augustine are candid reflections on the challenges to living a life of faith from someone who experienced the pitfalls…

Hearts on Fire

Fr. Michael Di Gregorio, O.S.A.

Hearts on Fire is a collection of short biographical sketches of saintly men and women venerated by the Augustinians. The entries follow the general calendar of the Order in 307 pages and recount the lives of 94 Saints, Blesseds and Servants of God who practiced Augustinian Spirituality in the pursuit of holiness…

Let Me Know Myself

Fr. Donald Burt, O.S.A.

Soon after his conversion Augustine prayed “O God, let me know myself; let me know you.” He was convinced that the eventual discovery of God began with a discovery of one’s self. In “Let Me Know Myself . . .”, Donald Burt, O.S.A., offers reflections on what Augustine said about the nature of the “self,” obstacles standing in the way of discovery, and some of what one can learn about oneself from experience and faith…

Let Me Know You

Fr. Donald Burt, O.S.A.

One of Augustine’s earliest prayers after his conversion was a prayer to understand himself and to discover God. He came to realize that all of us follow more or less the same path of discovery, a path that begins in darkness and moves toward wisdom. Although few achieve the perfection of wisdom, we can be certain that we are showing our love for God by reaching out in love to our fellow human beings…

Our Restless Heart

Fr. Tom Martin, O.S.A.

The figure of Augustine of Hippo looms large over the history of western Christianity: theologian, mystic, monk, philosopher, artist, bishop, ascetic, convert, polemicist, seeker. Augustine’s distinctive spiritual vision has played and continues to play a profoundly formative role in both imagining and living the Christian life…

The Precious Pearl

Fr. Michael Di Gregorio, O.S.A.

“Peacemaker,” “Saint of the Impossible,” the “Saint Who Asks Too Much” are just a few of the many adjectives used to describe one of the most popular saints of our times. With the canonization of Saint Rita in 1900, interest in and devotion to the “Precious Pearl of Umbria” spread rapidly not only in her native Italy, but throughout many nations…

Saint Augustine of Hippo

Joseph Kelley

Augustine of Hippo (354–430), monk, theologian, priest, and bishop, is one of the most important figures in the development of Western Christianity. He is known as much for his long interior struggle that ended with conversion and baptism at age thirty-two as for his influential teachings on human will, original sin and the theology of just war…

Saint Nicholas of Tolentino

Fr. Michael Di Gregorio, O.S.A.

A joy to those who were sad, a consolation to those who were suffering, peace to those who were at odds with one another, refreshment to those who were weary from their daily toil, support for those who were poor and a healing balm for those who found themselves in prison.” This is the way a fellow religious described the ministry of St. Nicholas of Tolentino…

Stephen Bellesini, O.S.A.

Fr. Michael Di Gregorio, O.S.A.

Stephen Bellesini is rightly included in that category of holy men and women who are sometimes referred to as “saints of the ordinary.” Here is a faithful and faith-filled believer who followed the path of religious life in the Order of Saint Augustine, and served his Order and the Church as educator, formator, and pastor…

Three Sons of Salamanca

Fr. Michael Di Gregorio, O.S.A.

Three Sons of Salamanca tells the story of three friars who were not related by blood, but by the common profession of religious vows and the shared experience of religious formation obtained in a common setting…

Friar walking with three college students through a college campus

The Legacy of

St. Augustine in the Catholic Church

Augustine was a thoughtful, empathetic, and loving servant of God. He valued community, welcomed others, and treated them the way they deserved to be treated. Augustine also laid the foundation for the Order of St. Augustine. The Order continues to explore ways to care for those in great need both in our Province work throughout Massachusetts, New Jersey, and surrounding states and in our greater missions throughout the world.

We invite you to continue to learn about St. Augustine, his life, and his teachings.

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